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NOVA Equipment

The variety of orthodontic-functional devices that a clinician can employ for a given treatment is very wide indeed. Many devices are generated by a school of thought, and have particular characteristics that are sometimes shared with devices used in other techniques. Dividing elements of different devices into modules and then assembling them with 3d graphics software makes it possible to obtain devices with unique characteristics. Also , the clinician can to view the device in 3d before production.

New digital orthodontic prescription

The possibility to maximise customisation of a device design for a given patient offers greater guarantees of therapeutic success. The NOVA system introduces a new digital orthodontic prescription aligned with the ‘complete digital workflow’ concept. This prescription uses a software-based virtual configurator developed by 3do facilitating effective communication between company \ clinician \ patient.

NOVA devices are made with 3d printing and the use of biocompatible material in class iia .


3d Configurator

Explore the endless possibilities with our innovative 3D configurator, view your customized device from every angle