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Invisible Touch System ®

The continuing need for good aesthetics in social life is becoming increasingly important. The awareness of pleasure increases self-esteem and facilitates interpersonal relationships. Very often the desire to achieve a harmonious smile is discouraged by proposals for therapies involving the use of unaesthetic metal elements.


What is Invisible Touch System ®

ITS is a system that involves the use of a series of transparent progressive aligners for the resolution of various types of malocclusion. The aligners are tailor-made for a specific patient and allow a gradual and progressive movement of the teeth to the destination programmed in the planning phase. The experience gained over the years and the application of protocols dedicated to the dynamics of tooth displacement make our product reliable and predictable in its results.

The advantages of our aligners

Perfectly clear at a conversational distance

Removable, for correct, daily oral hygiene

Does not irritate the gums, compared to wire braces

Removable during meals, so as not to change dietary habits

No discomfort or interference when speaking

Hypoallergenic, due to the total absence of metal

Significant time saving at the chairside

Space-saving compared to multi-attachment lingual approach techniques

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Transparent Progressive Aligners

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