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En.Nova Systematics

In the clinical classification of a patient’s malocclusion, the most obvious problems are based on the altered position of the teeth, often associated with others of an orthopaedic-functional nature. A skeletal disharmony results in a bad relationship between the mandible and maxilla. The En.Nova device provides different designs, depending on the clinician’s requirements. It may consist of two separate plates that can be coupled reciprocally by means of guiding means that cooperate with each other by interference when closing the mandible, inviting it to close in a therapeutic position different from its usual position.

What is En.Nova

Therapy with functional devices usually involves two phases: one for repositioning the bone bases and another for dental alignment. The genesis of En.Nova is linked to the concept of programming the dental arrangement that makes the relocation of skeletal structures predictable. En.Nova programming involves contextual alignment and repositioning using ITS (invisible touch system) aligners and a device to be worn over these. The customised device is manufactured using 3D printing. This is compatible with the entire aligner sequence. The device is not a preformed one, but is made by following the dynamics of the movements of each individual tooth.

How En.Nova works

ITS aligners are replaced according to the clinician’s prescription; the device, instead hand, is unique for the entire treatment and requires the same daily cooperation time as functional appliances. The aligners provide a reconformation of the dental arches in synergy with the En.Nova device that helps to re-establish a correct mandibulary-maxillary relationship. En.Nova devices are made by additive manufacturing, with biocompatible class IIa material. In the event of loss or accidental breakage of the device, there is no need for new impressions or registrations, as the files in the memory are simply reprinted. This is one of the considerable advantages of 3D printing.

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